![]() Interesting read on anxiety and depression (see link below). The human mind has been conditioned to believe that anxiety and depression are an aspect of ourselves that is "bad" and we need to "fix" ourselves. Even labeled as an illness. When truly it is the essence of ourselves calling out to be seen and heard. Our early pain and trauma from this life or a past life needing to be acknowledged and healed. There is nothing wrong! We need to see that we cannot suppress it with busy activities, medications, substances or toxic behaviors. It will continue to rear its voice until it will be heard. The anxious and depressive energy you hold is a false conditioning that was programmed into you by other's pain and false views of life. Most often instilled into you during childhood or energy you carried over from another lifetime. We must heal the wound that festers. As it is what stands in the way of your joy, health, ability to have and maintain healthy loving relationships, and enjoying all the abundance that is your right as a creative being. When we don't heal a wound there is the potential for infection. Energetic infection shows up as extreme anxiety, depression, other mental illnesses, addictions and health issues. You have the power that creates worlds within you. You are an expression of the universe wanting to experience the magnificent that it is in this physical experience we call life but to find this harmony within you must love all the aspects of the self and provide a healing environment for the pain within. soulfullheartblog.com/2019/10/24/experiencing-anxiety-and-depression-as-portals-to-your-parts-of-self-and-soul/?fbclid=IwAR3mXWXk2CAHh9P6erRAYNtm11lSgdifG3EXWDkPnAaPd4skSb9jWSA87uY May day be it true or not was a day of respected importance. It may be something of limited visibility but can only be defined as a collective revampment. May 1, 2019 was a pivotal point in the energetic collective shift. You experienced it yourself. As it was a pivotal marker that moved some of you through a portal which brought the ability to change your physical experience. It was divine timing if you will.
The universe does not have timetables. The universe uses specific events as portal shifts. You essentially move through where you are now to somewhere new. This a shift in energetic frequency. Therefore, changing your physical reality through a new shift in awareness or change in frequency vibration. In a sense you are changing your physical location yet not. You are not being transported to somewhere new but molding the physical reality into another experience that is aligned to your new vibration. What is occurring now? Well let’s see. Using human timetable lingo it is July in your physical reality. A lot has occurred to set the stage for your next level of experience. The unfolding of a higher dimensional reality. Everything is very purposefully executed to assist you in increasing your energetic frequency point. Once you hit certain points in energetic vibration you move through a new portal. The new level of energy vibration takes you out of the prior physical experience that is an expression of the lower vibrational level you were at. This is the cycle of "awakening". Each level is like an incubation period where you stay in that energy. The light slowly stimulates you to grow and expand. Once you have outgrown the physical space of that cycle you crack through the old physicality to move on to another experience. From an ascension perspective a new dimensional experience. Do not view death or transformation as an ending but as a beginning. The energy you are feeling is a transformation into new heightened levels of feeling and manifesting. Do not view what is now in the sense of your phsycial reality as the be all end all. You know within you that things are expanding quickly. Manifestations aligned with your higher frequency emittance are appearing quickly. Your view of the future path is limited to the old lower dimensional paradigms. That is the anxiety you feel. Using old template projections in a new higher frequency reality does not align. Therefore, the anxiety is just your compass alerting you to the misalignment. It is also the integration into the new higher dimensional frequency you are in. This happens at the beginning of every new leveling up if you must. Do not fear that you are going down a wrong path or that what is unfolding before you is a deception. Everything before you can be trusted. Therefore, anything dense you are experiencing is a passing breeze including any dis- ease within the physical body. It to shall pass through if you know how to be in relationship with who you really are. As all physical manifestations (dis-ease, pain, illness, discomfort, etc) can be released/dissolved. It is the human program that deceives the mind to make you believe that some dis-ease you will forever carry. What you assign truth to you give power to and it then becomes your reality. If you look at the real definition of reality is the sum of all that is, has been or will be. Whether known or unknown. Therefore, reality cannot be assigned to that which is just known. Your personal reality can be anything you can form a quality or substance to even if it does not exist yet. Allow what has come since May to continue to magically expand into new levels of bliss and abundance that you could have never dreamt of. For heaven is everything you never knew you always wanted. How do you know something that you never experienced? You don't. So allow all that is to provide you the dream you could have never imagined in your limited perspective at the moment. I promise you a new world where you are all free, where you and your young are safe.
I promise you a land of abundance, where we all live as one. I will meet you there and we shall embrace and know we are finally free. When I look in your eyes I see myself. I see God looking back at me. I am now aware that all living beings, human, animal, insect or plant are a mirror of me. Reflecting back my own beauty, my own heart, my fears, my struggles and how I respond to you is what I choose for myself. I walk with you hand in hand on this land of creation, of gold and abundance. We look overhead at the diamonds strewn across our cosmos's. Diamonds that mirror our brilliance. Each with millions of facets that are our experience's of lifetimes, of universes, of different beings. This is also what I see in your eyes. The beauty of the self reflected in every touch, taste, sound and form. It intoxicates all my senses. Everything explodes within my body. Do you know of pure ecstasy? Heavenly bliss? Not an earthly bliss, not a bliss found outside of us but a divine ecstasy, a bliss so profound, so expansive it explodes within every cell of my being. It is not coming from you but projected out from me and mirrored back through you. It connects me with everything; every being, animal, plant, cell, galaxy. I am one with everything in the universe. Can you imagine this? This is who we are, this explosive energy. This is me, this is you. This is the wind, this it the ant, the rock on the ground, the bird in the sky, the blade of grass. This is everything. In this bliss I am experiencing all this at once. I don't love, I am. I cannot love for it is too limited. Through my being I am the source of this energy. An expression of everything that is a part of the sum that connects everything that has ever been, is and will be, through all space and time.
We are currently in the midst of the astrological lions gate portal that runs from July 26th to August 12. This happens every year but this year's lions gate portal bring with it much more significance and meaning. A portal is a entry point to a space of travel. Moving from one place to another in an etheric energy space. As we know we are in the astrological sign of Leo, which is where the lions gate get's it's name. This is the overarching energy of this period. The lion signifies strength, knowing, empowerment and fearlessness. How can we walk through the portal to that which is unknown without the Lion pushing us forward. The lion is strong and fearless but the lion also is an energy of protection. During this time as you find the strength within you to make changes, know that you are safe and protected. You can trust that this transition will bring with it all you need and desire. Usually, the energy brought by the portal is more ethereal. It's changes affect us from a higher knowing and emotional standpoint. The 2018 portal will bring with major change from a physical 3D perspective as well. It is moving us through our normal dimensional reality into a new state of awareness, which will affect our physical experience. You may have felt many feelings and emotions in the last 2 weeks. This energy prior to the 8/8 portal opening is helping you to release emotions, conditionings, karmic cycles, attachments and fears that no longer serve your higher purpose. Don't resist or fight what comes up. Instead sit with what you are feeling, let it come up and out. Surrender to it and see it easily flow through you. What you resist persists. Be the observer instead of the owner. Understand that all these negative emotions and automatic responses are not real. We have been conditioned to find truth in what we physically experience and then this triggers a coping mechanism that is specific to the individual. These are the things that stand in the way of all that we wish to feel and experience. Stop fighting the inevitable. The energy will peak on August 8th as the energy portal opens. Everyone's experience will be different but enjoy how it shows up for you. The universe is always supporting us in our growth and evolution. Channel the lion, find strength, trust and flow with the guidance moving you forward to your heaven on earth.
As you look around you, you are taking in a 3D world. The table your sitting at, the person that walks by you, the bird singing in the tree, the wind that blows past you. That which can be sensed, touched, smelt, tasted, heard. This world around you is all formed off energy frequencies. It is a relational state of existence. As the outside world affects your internal state. It's is your experience that gauges your emotions, your balance, your decisions and actions.
What would a 4D existence mean? Can we move to a 4D existence? That which is non relational. An experience based on knowing, not of reactions. The outside world does not affect your internal state. That which is whole cannot be seen as divided in a 4D energy frequency. The creative power is than enhanced and manifestation happens more rapidly. There is no state of want or need. As all is provided in the knowing of the self. The knowing that the universe provides all that is required, security, protection, all the body requires, all that is required to be comfortable. There is no need for the physical. At this state the only motivation of the self is to give and be one with all that is. There is no mine and yours. It is all ours. There is no need for love as love is who you are. You are the physical representation of love. I am whole because I am. I am love because I am. I am powerful because I am. I create because I am. This is living beyond the veil. Align your thoughts and energy with abundance. You cannot receive abundance if you are not first aligned energetically. What would abundance look and feel like to you? Try this once a day for 5-10 minutes. Shut your eyes and imagine what abundance would feel like to you? Would it feel exciting? Would it feel secure? Would it feel blissful? Try not imagine physical items or experiences but focus on the feelings. When we assign specific details to our abundance we create expectations around what abundance looks like and limits that which we receive. When it does not show up exactly as we imagined or dreamed we then can lose sight of all the abundance happening around us. Our physical mind may desire this or that but it may not equate to our greatest good. Our human mind has a limited scope of awareness. The universal abundance see no bounds, has not limits, nothing is impossible. To the universe there is no difference from a penny or a million dollars. You may limit your abundance by not thinking you could ever be a millionaire. You may desire to be with this person but there may be someone else that will be able to provide you more than you could ever imagine. When it doesn't work out with that person you desire you see this as life defeating you and your emotions get tainted with negativity. You do not see that this is abundance in action. This is the universe clearing the path to allow your ultimate love to come. See all that is happening in your life as this. The universe is always conspiring in your favor. It is your human self that is getting in the way. Allow life to flow and create before you. Surrender to the process and stop trying to control what happens.
Once you align energetically with abundance, abundance will manifest in your experience. You cannot force abundance through action without first being in line with the feeling of abundance. This is the deceptive conditioning of the human race. You think you must first work hard and abundance will come. Well abundance will never come no matter how hard you work or any course of action you take if you are not aligned first. That is why there are those that live abundantly without much effort. You must recondition your mindset. Most won't feel abundant until they get more money or they are "successful" in what ever they are doing or they find "the one". You are then chasing that which you will never find. You must first see and feel abundant and then everything in your physical world will align. That is when opportunities present themselves out of thin air. That is when you randomly run into "the one". That is when people start lining up for your product or services. As in the movie field of dreams "If you build it they will come". It is the same concept. If you see and feel it, it will come. You don't think the creators of the film were divinely inspired? All inspiration and creative thoughts are brought to you by your higher self to help you and the rest of the world. You all are creative artists. Let your life be your greatest masterpiece and every moment within be created by your thoughts and feelings. As the mountain is the physical being, the river is the earthly experiences. The river will always mirror the mountain. The waters will eternally flow to the rhythm of the universe even though the mountain may stay the same. As the mountain changes the water will mirror back it's beauty. Such is that of life.
We think that our happiness lies outside ourselves. When this happens I will be happier. When this person does this I will be happier. So we drive ourselves into depression, unhappiness and controling behaviors trying to force the external world to conform to what we think will bring us all that we seek. In doing this we cause more suffering for ourselves and everyone around us. How are we not all driven mental, right?! The truth is nothing in your external environment will provide you that which you seek. It is all within you. So the only place you can find happiness is by going within yourself. It is only then by being that which you seek, will you then experience it through the people and things outside yourself. Stop the madness people! Through this awareness you can finally find peace and happiness. Everything in this physical existence is flowing energy. The flow cannot stop. It will continue to flow and change even though you cannot see it. Just because nothing appears to be changing doesn't mean the universe isn't changing what is now into what you desire. Just like the river it can be still as glass or the current can be rough and fast but it is still moving. |